What a bustle, what a myriad colours, what a cacophony in the sea this lunchtime, with hundreds of individuals bracing the winter waters (approx. 8 °C) for the Big Swim 2025. Friends and families were there too, in abundance, on the pebbles - enjoying, weatherwise, one of the most pleasant days of the year so far. (See also Definition of exhilaration.)
According to the organisers - PinkNicky at Sea Lanes - the aim of the event was to celebrate International Women’s Day and to ‘create a noisy, colourful spectacle on the beach’. Another aim was to gather 1,000 swimmers across the South coast - on Brighton Beach but also in Dorset (where a parallel event was hosted by Land and Wave)..
Here’s the planned timetable for the Brighton event (to see a video of last year’s event click here).
11.00 Sponsors/Partners/Volunteers Welcome and Briefing
11.00-11.45 Swimmers arrive - Bird&Blend will be handing out tea samples (don’t forget your mugs)
11.45 Welcome and Safety Brief
12.00: Warm Up
12.10: Group Photo and Drone Coverage
12.20: Swimmers enter the water - Please do not enter the water until you hear the safety signal
1.30 Event closes - Please go to Sea Lanes event space, if you need to warm up. Please feel free to enjoy your picnic on the beach.
And here are Nicky’s suggestions for spreading ‘a little happiness’
- Bring snacks to share
- Say hello to your fellow swimmers
- Hug your swimming neighbours on the beach
- Feel free to whoop with delight as you enter the water
- If you see anyone on their own, please make them feel welcome
- Wear your most sparkly outfits
- Take a selfie and use the hashtag #thebigswim
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