Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Guest: Brighton Beach, Menasha, Wisconsin

Brighton Beach in Menasha, Wisconsin, first gained any notice in the late 19th century when Curtis Reed opened a resort hotel there in 1887. The Brighton Beach Hotel, built in 1899, became a focal point for social activities, hosting picnics, band concerts, and other outdoor events. The hotel underwent two renovations but ultimately closed and was demolished in 1927 due to competition from other local attractions like Waverly Beach. David Galassie’s blog Menasha has some excellent local history posts, one of which includes an advertisement from the time of the hotel; and The Wisconsin Historical Society has several relevant old photographs. This post also includes two screenshots from Google Maps.

“The summer resort deluxe”
On Beautiful Winnebago Lake
The Best Beach. The Best Fishing.
The most accessible Resort in the State of Wisconsin

Fine Steamboat Landing
3 cent fare from Menasha, Neerah and Appleton.
Half hourly electric service in each direction making
connections [with other] railroads
Furnished cottage to rent with electric light, water works, telephone.
Cabaret, dancing and a score of other entertainments
Write for reservations, etc.

Following the hotel’s closure, the area transitioned into a residential neighbourhood. Over time, several elegant residences were constructed by wealthy and influential residents: the Dr. Harold O. Hansen Residence, built in 1937 at 1045 Brighton Drive, being the most noted. This Colonial Revival-style house, constructed for $12,000, replaced a more modest structure and initially served as a fishing and hunting retreat. 

Today, Brighton Beach continues to be a desirable residential area, with homes available for sale and rent along Brighton Beach Road, many with frontages on to Lake Winnebago. While the original resort is long gone, the area still offers recreational opportunities close by at the Municipal Beach: Located at 1515 Brighton Beach Road, this 1.4-acre parcel provides public access to Lake Winnebago. The beach features an unsupervised swimming area, with a water depth ranging from 2 to 9 feet (Lake Winnebago only has a maximum depth of 21 feet).

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